Black Walnut

Juglans nigra

Form: A large tree 18 to 27 m high that develops a straight, clear trunk forking earlier in open areas then in forests with a wide spreading crown of few branches. Twigs and branches quite stout.

Text Box: Form: A large tree 18 to 27 m high that develops a straight, clear trunk forking earlier in open areas then in forests with a wide spreading crown of few branches. Twigs and branches quite stout.

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Bark: Light brown on surface, dark brown when cut, ridged and furrowed with a rough diamond pattern. Light brown and scaly when young.

Text Box: Bark: Light brown on surface, dark brown when cut, ridged and furrowed with a rough diamond pattern. Light brown and scaly when young.

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Twig: Stout, light brown and hairy with a buff-colored chambered pith. Terminal buds are short (6-8 mm) , blunt with a few pubescent scales. Leaf scars are 3-lobed, resembling a monkey face.

Text Box: Twig: Stout, light brown and hairy with a buff-colored chambered pith. Terminal buds are short (6-8 mm) , blunt with a few pubescent scales. Leaf scars are 3-lobed, resembling a monkey face.

Flower: Male flowers are single-stemmed catkins that are greenish and droopy and 8 to 12 cm long. Female flowers on short spikes near twig end, yellow-green in color. Present April to June.  Trees are monoecious

Text Box: Flower: Male flowers are single-stemmed catkins that are greenish and droopy and 8 to 12 cm long. Female flowers on short spikes near twig end, yellow-green in color. Present April to June.  Trees are monoecious


Leaf: Alternate, pinnately compound with 13 to 23 leaflets that is 30 to 60 cm long. Leaflets are ovate-lanceolate, finely serrate, and are 5 to 10 cm long. The rachis is stout and somewhat pubescent. The terminal leaflet is either poorly formed or absent.  Also the leaf is aromatic when crushed

Text Box: Leaf: Alternate, pinnately compound with 13 to 23 leaflets that is 30 to 60 cm long. Leaflets are ovate-lanceolate, finely serrate, and are 5 to 10 cm long. The rachis is stout and somewhat pubescent. The terminal leaflet is either poorly formed or absent.  Also the leaf is aromatic when crushed


Fruit: Round nut with a thick, green husk. The husk contains an irregularly furrowed nut that contains sweet, edible meat. Maturing in September to October.

Text Box: Fruit: Round nut with a thick, green husk. The husk contains an irregularly furrowed nut that contains sweet, edible meat. Maturing in September to October.

Text Box: Other: Common on the the southern half of the Lower peninsula of Michigan.  It grows in warm, deep, fertile, moist, well drained alluvial soil usually in mesic forest.  This species is shade-intolerant and long lived.  It is a source of food for many animals including the luna moth caterpillar


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