Eastern White Pine

Pinus strobus

Text Box: Form: Large tree (20-30 m high). Spreading pyramidal or conical crown. Middle branches are perpendicular to main trunk. Annual false whorls can be counted for age


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Text Box: Bark: Young trees have greenish-gray bark that is smooth and thin. Bark will later become thick with deep furrows and dark gray to reddish-brown


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Text Box: Twig: Thin and orangish-brown in color, which later develops to light brown or green. Pubescent at first, but later smooth


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Text Box: Fruit and Flowers: Monoecious. Young, cylindrical seed cones present in June. Borne 1-5 near ends of young growth in higher portion of crown. Mature cones found in second season (Aug.-Sept.).Mature cones have spirally arranged, thin, round, flexible scales (10-25 cm in length).


Text Box: Leaves: Grouped in clusters of 5 (7-12 cm in length). Fascicle sheath is absent. Leaves are thin, straight needles. 3-sided, blue-green in appearance. Each cluster remains for approximately 2 yrs.



  Text Box: Notes: Various soil, with some shade-tolerance. Somewhat fast-growing with long life span. Long life span makes the eastern white pine the single MI pine that can outcompete hardwoods northern hardwoods following a fire. State tree of MI.



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