
Ginkgo biloba

Form: large, slender tree; develops irregular crown with large branches 

Text Box: Form: large, slender tree; develops irregular crown with large branches 

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Twig: light brown or gray; smooth with numerous shoots; reddish brown, dome-shaped buds

Text Box: Twig: light brown or gray; smooth with numerous shoots; reddish brown, dome-shaped buds

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Leaf: alternate, simple, fan-shaped, 2-3 inches may have 2-3 lobes; in clusters of 3-5 at the ends of short shoots, veins fanlike

Text Box: Leaf: alternate, simple, fan-shaped, 2-3 inches may have 2-3 lobes; in clusters of 3-5 at the ends of short shoots, veins fanlike

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Bark: thick, grayish brown; becoming deeply furrowed with age

Text Box: Bark: thick, grayish brown; becoming deeply furrowed with age

Fruit:  green to yellow, maturing in late autumn after the first frost; 1 inch long with a fleshy coating that produces a putrid odor resembling rotting flesh when ripe


Text Box: Fruit:  green to yellow, maturing in late autumn after the first frost; 1 inch long with a fleshy coating that produces a putrid odor resembling rotting flesh when ripe


Flower: appear in May with the leaves; male flower is born on 1 inch long catkins, green; female flower is 1 inch long resembling long stalked acorns

Text Box: Flower: appear in May with the leaves; male flower is born on 1 inch long catkins, green; female flower is 1 inch long resembling long stalked acorns


Habitat:  native to China; ornamental grown for its shade and appearance; pollution tolerant

Text Box: Habitat:  native to China; ornamental grown for its shade and appearance; pollution tolerant


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