
Pyrus communis

Form: Typically quite upright and conical with very narrow branch angles. Can appear in odd shapes

Text Box: Form: Typically quite upright and conical with very narrow branch angles. Can appear in odd shapes

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Bark: Gray-brown to reddish-brown changing to grayish brown with shallow furrows and flat-topped scaly ridges.

Text Box: Bark: Gray-brown to reddish-brown changing to grayish brown with shallow furrows and flat-topped scaly ridges.

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Twig: Glossy brown to reddish-brown with spur shoots present. The terminal buds are medium in size at less than 1 cm, conical to dome shaped, and may be lightly hairy.

Text Box: Twig: Glossy brown to reddish-brown with spur shoots present. The terminal buds are medium in size at less than 1 cm, conical to dome shaped, and may be lightly hairy.

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Leaf: Alternate, simple, ovate with a finely serrated margin, 3 to 10 cm in length.  They are shiny green above and paler and dull below.

Text Box: Leaf: Alternate, simple, ovate with a finely serrated margin, 3 to 10 cm in length.  They are shiny green above and paler and dull below.

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Fruit: A large pear-shaped edible pome about 7 to 10 cm in length.

Text Box: Fruit: A large pear-shaped edible pome about 7 to 10 cm in length.

Flower: Clusters of showy white flowers with a diameter of 1 to 2 cm each.  They  appear before or with the leaves.

Text Box: Flower: Clusters of showy white flowers with a diameter of 1 to 2 cm each.  They  appear before or with the leaves.


Text Box: Other:  This tree originated in Europe and has been planted throughout the United States as ornamentals and in orchards.  It has many varieties and caltivars.  It prefers full sunlight and moist soils.



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