Red Oak

Quercus rubra

Form: large tree; forming broad, rounded crown in open

Text Box: Form: large tree; forming broad, rounded crown in open

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Bark: thick; forms wide shallow ridges resembling ski tracks

Text Box: Bark: thick; forms wide shallow ridges resembling ski tracks

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Twig: moderately stout, red-brown; multiple large terminal buds


Text Box: Twig: moderately stout, red-brown; multiple large terminal buds 

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Fruit: acorn, ¾ to 1 inch long, nearly round in shape; cap is flat and thin covering ¼ of acorn; matures in 2 years August to late October

Text Box: Fruit: acorn, ¾ to 1 inch long, nearly round in shape; cap is flat and thin covering ¼ of acorn; matures in 2 years August to late October

Flower: appear in May or June when the leaves are half grown; 4-5 inches in length; bright green

Text Box: Flower: appear in May or June when the leaves are half grown; 4-5 inches in length; bright green


Habitat: native to Michigan; can be a dominant species in many forests; important for its use as hard lumbar

Text Box: Habitat: native to Michigan; can be a dominant species in many forests; important for its use as hard lumbar


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Leaf: simple, alternate, 5-8 inches long; 5-11 lobes with bristles on end; sinuses rounded

Text Box: Leaf: simple, alternate, 5-8 inches long; 5-11 lobes with bristles on end; sinuses rounded