Silver Maple

Acer saccharinum

Text Box: Tree Form: Large in size, 18-24m tall. Trunk divides into multiple stems close to base. Full, rounded crown. Branches are slender and  bend downward; but curl back upward towards tips.


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Text Box: Leaf: Opposite arrangement, 5 lobes, palmate venation. Sinuses are deep and angular, approach midrib. Margin lined with sharp teeth. Glabrous. Green above, silvery white underside.

Text Box: Flower: Appear in early spring before leaves. Yellowish green to reddish green and clustered.



Text Box: Fruit: Paired samaras. Largest of all native maple samaras (each wing 3-6 cm.) Wings divergent and form about a 90° angle to one another.

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Text Box: Twig: Chestnut brown, glossy, visible lenticels. Pith is pink. Has foul odor when crushed.  Terminal bud is red and blunt. Flower buds red, form distinct clusters.

Text Box: Bark: Light gray and smooth in young trees. In older trees bark is dark gray; forms thick, narrow strips. Strips often peel off at the top and bottom.

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Text Box: Other: A native tree, naturally found along streams. Shade-intolerant, and fast growing. Does well in poor soil and after fires. Not good for street planting because roots destroy sidewalks, branches break off easily when older and cause damage. Classified as a soft maple.



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