
Liriodendron tulipifera

Form: A large tree from 15 to 30 m tall with a very straight, limb-free trunk. The crown is pyramidal to conical with slender branches.

Text Box: Form: A large tree from 15 to 30 m tall with a very straight, limb-free trunk. The crown is pyramidal to conical with slender branches.

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Bark: Light greenish-gray in color, often with white in grooves or in patches. Smooth when young, developing ssales and furrows in diamond shaped patterns.

Text Box: Bark: Light greenish-gray in color, often with white in grooves or in patches. Smooth when young, developing ssales and furrows in diamond shaped patterns.

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Flower: Showy, but high in the tree, 5 cm long, with yellow-green petals and an orange corolla. Present May to June.

Text Box: Flower: Showy, but high in the tree, 5 cm long, with yellow-green petals and an orange corolla. Present May to June.

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Leaf: Alternate, simple with palmate venation.  Blades are orbicular, 4-lobed with an entire margin, 8 to 15 cm long. Somewhat shaped like a tulip.

Text Box: Leaf: Alternate, simple with palmate venation.  Blades are orbicular, 4-lobed with an entire margin, 8 to 15 cm long. Somewhat shaped like a tulip.

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Fruit: Forms an oblong aggregate of samaras that is deciduous at maturity. The samaras are 1-winged, 5 cm long, and 4-angled. They mature in August to October and are persistent in the winter.

Text Box: Fruit: Forms an oblong aggregate of samaras that is deciduous at maturity. The samaras are 1-winged, 5 cm long, and 4-angled. They mature in August to October and are persistent in the winter.

Twig: Stout, light brown and hairy with a buff-colored chambered pith. Terminal buds are short (6-8 mm) , blunt with a few pubescent scales. Leaf scars are 3-lobed, resembling a monkey face.

Text Box: Twig: Stout, light brown and hairy with a buff-colored chambered pith. Terminal buds are short (6-8 mm) , blunt with a few pubescent scales. Leaf scars are 3-lobed, resembling a monkey face.


Text Box: Other:  Found mostly in bottomlands, beach-maple forest and on the edges of swamps.  
This is also an important ornamental in lawns and parks.



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