1.   Illustration of basic biological principles


Embryology and Development




2.   Practical applications


Animal Biology

Medical Sciences


..enhances explanation (five fingers, appendix etc.)



3.   Scholarship value………to learn





The first interest in anatomy centered around humans….


Galen (ca. 250 a.d.)


        Greek physician and writer

Wrote a treatise on Human Anatomy based on

     Barbary Apes……this was accepted dogma for

     over 1200 years!


Andreas Vesalius (ca. 1550)


Wrote and illustrated De Humani Corporis Fabrica


Carl Linné   (ca. 1750)


        Wrote Systema Naturae

        Developed the concept of binomial nomenclature

        Stressed the comparative method


Georges Cuvier (ca. 1800)


        Wrote Histoire Naturelle

        Established Vertebrate Paleontology and Comparative  

          Anatomy as biological disciplines

        The “father” of Comparative Anatomy


Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (ca. 1800)


        Early champion of evolutionary change but his

             proposed mechanism (inheritance of acquired

             characters) was faulty.

        Cleared up a number of invertebrate taxonomic



Louis  Agassiz (ca. 1850)


        Swiss paleontologist who worked with fossil fishes

             and started the MCZ at Harvard.

        Did not believe in evolutionary change.


Charles Darwin (ca. 1850)


        Wrote The Origin of Species which outlined the

             mechanism for evolutionary change….natural



        Darwin stressed the importance of variation.


Genotypic Variation can be expressed three ways in the phenotype…..


        Physiology, Morphology and Behavior


Phenotypic variation can be easily measured and reflects the relative success of variants.


The frequency of variation actually represents the relative  reproductive success (or offspring produced) of animals……this is known as Darwinian Fitness.


Organisms produce more offspring than necessary to replace the parents, and because there is genotypic and phenotypic variation in these numerous offspring, they show differential survival.


Genotypic       Abundant        Differential          Natural

Variation   +    Offspring   +    Survival      =     Selection


      = Differential Reproductive Success of Genotypes



Over time, and in the face of environmental change, animals may exhibit adaptation……


From a comparative anatomical standpoint:


Adaptation:   Any structure contributing to the fitness of an organism and brought into existence for its current function through the process of natural selection.




Aptation:  Any structure contributing to the individual fitness of an organism.


Exaptation:  Any structure contributing to individual fitness but not brought into existence by natural selection for its current function.



e.g.   the avian feather,   the rattlesnake rattle


Additionally, we need to make a distinction between the terms “Anatomy” and “Morphology”……


·       Anatomy connotes mere observation and description


·       Morphology interprets structures from an evolutionary perspective




In order to properly understand morphological and phylogenetic relationships, we must understand the following concepts:


Homology: Relationship between structures that share common ancestry.

          Human, horse and seal forelimb


Homoplasy:  Relationship between structures that share common appearance

          Bird, bat and pterosaur wings


Analogy:  Relationship between structures that share common function.

          Bird and insect wing


Structures in different organisms may exhibit more than one of these relationships…



Derived Characters:  Evolutionarily new (additional)

        characters relative to typical closely related species


Specialized vs. Generalized


        Specialized:  Showing many derived characters

              relative to closely related species


        Generalized:  Showing characteristics common to

              many organisms across broad taxonomic lines.


Primitive vs. Advanced:


        Primitive: Closer to the origin of a particular lineage


        Advanced: Closer to the terminus of a particular



Simple vs. Complex:


        Simple:  Structures lacking complexity relative to

             other similar structures


        Complex:  Structures exhibiting more components and

             features relative to other similar structures


Rudimentary vs. Vestigial:


        Rudimentary:  Structure not showing level of

            development typical of same structure in other

            taxa….but with evidence that it could proceed to

            that level.


        Vestigial:  Structure that appears to be moving in a

           direction of a lower level of development from what

           it is in other  taxa.


Parallelism vs. Convergence:


        Parallelism:  Independent development of similar

            character(s) from a common ancestor potential



Convergence:  Independent development of similar

           character(s) without common ancestor potential


Coevolution: Character changes resulting from predator-

     prey “tug-of-war”, and other reciprocal competitive





Anterior, Posterior, Dorsal, Ventral


Lateral, Medial, Proximal, Distal


Sagittal, Transverse and Frontal planes



THE VERTEBRATES……. What are they?


        Phylum Chordata


                Subphylum Urochordata

                Subphylum Cephalochordata

                Subphylum Vertebrata


These groups share the following characters:


1.      Dorsal hollow nerve cord

2.      Pharyngeal gill slits at some point in their life

3.      Notochord at some point in their life

4.      Postanal tail


How do the vertebrates relate to other members of the Animal Kingdom?


Generally, this depiction of animal phyla implies a rather linear relationship….i.e. mollusks gave rise to the arthropods and the arthropods led the echinoderms, etc.


In reality, these extant taxa were derived from ancestral groups common to both or all three groups.


Today we use PHYLOGENETIC SYSTEMATICS or CLADISTICS to attempt to work out these relationships.


The resulting cladograms give us a good estimate of taxonomic relationships.


Using these techniques, we know that the higher  invertebrates diverge into two groups…..


The Echinoderms on one hand, and the Mollusks, Annelids and Arthropods on the other……


…..and the Echinoderms have a close evolutionary relationship to the Chordates.


It’s through the Echinoderm ancestry that we can trace the origin of the vertebrates.


But what evidence is there for this?


In order to understand the evidence, we must first examine some of the details of early animal development….

Zygote through Gastrulation.


The zygote undergoes cleavage until there is a hollow ball stage….this process is blastulation and the result is the blastula.


The blastula then shows a unilateral invagination, the result of which is an interior cavity known as the archenteron or primitive gut.  This developmental stage is now known as the gastrula and this process is called gastrulation. The opening to the Archenteron is called the blastopore.


The blastopore is destined to become either the mouth or the anus….


Proterostomous: Blastopore forms mouth


                Mollusks, Arthropods, Annelids


Deuterostomous: Blastopore forms anus


        Echinoderms, Chordates



The important result of  gastrulation is the formation of the germ layers:






Mesoderm leads to the development of numerous organs and organ systems, and is essential to the formation the coelom or body cavity.


Two ways in which the body cavity forms:


Schizocoely: Mesoderm splits to form coelom


Enterocoely: Mesoderm balloons from gut forming





The Echinoderm-Chordate connection:


Primitive sessile arm feeders gave rise to echinoderms and to the hemichordates….the latter developing a pharyngeal filter feeding mechanism…..and Hemichordates  are related to Echinoderms due to a strong larval similarity.


Hemichordates possess 2 of the 4 major chordate characteristics….pharyngeal gill slits and dorsal hollow nerve cord


The Echinoderms, Hemichordates and Chordates share a number of characters not shared with in most invertebrates.


Deuterostomy, Entercoelous Radial Cleavage,  Mesodermal



The Chordates contain the vertebrates, the lancelets and the tunicates….the latter of which is most primitive, and which probably gave rise to early vertebrates.


The life cycle of  Urochordates exhibits larvae that are free swimming, pharyngeal gill-feeders, that greatly resemble the lancelets and primitive vertebrate larvae (lamprey ammocoete larvae)


This has led to three theories as to the origin of the vertebrates.


Garstang Theory (1920s): Larval stage of urochordates and others becomes reproductive; adult stage is lost, through paedomorphic progenesis


Gutmann Theory (1980s): Chordate-like ancestor developed within the invertebrates and echinoderms, hemichordates and urochordates were offshoots.


Dipleuruloid Theory (of Jollie; 1980s): Small, ciliated and bilateral form was ancestral to echinoderms and protochordates and progressively became more active and vertebrate-like.


Paedomorphosis: Larval Reproduction


Progenesis:  Somatic development ceases; reproductive system matures; in adult all (or most) other characters remain larval.


Neoteny:  Somatic development slows for some features; reproductive and other systems mature; retention of one or a few larval features in the adult.



PHYLUM CHORDATA                            






            CLASS MYXINI







                  SUBCLASS HOLOCEPHALI



                    SUPERORDER DIPNOI




                     SUPERORDER NEOPTERYGII



             CLASS AMPHIBIA

                    SUBCLASS LEPOSPONDYLI

                    SUBCLASS LISSAMPHIBIA

                        ORDER CAUDATA

                        ORDER ANURA

                        ORDER APODA



                        ORDER TESTUDINATA

                   SUBCLASS EUREPTILIA

                        ORDER SQUAMATA

                        ORDER CROCODYLIA

                        ORDER SPHENODONTIDA

                     SUBCLASS SYNAPSIDA

                 CLASS AVES

                      SUBCLASS SAURIURAE







                         INFRACLASS MARSUPIALIA

                    SUBCLASS THERIA                 

                            INFRACLASS EUTHERIA








Early vertebrate development follows the pattern:


Cleavage  --------->  Blastulation ---------->  Gastrulation


…..the details of this process depend on the amount and distribution of yolk in the egg and zygote


Eggs may be classified by the amount of yolk present:


1.        Microlecithal (little yolk)

2.        Mesolecithal (moderate yolk)

3.        Macrolecithal (much yolk)



Eggs may be classified by the distribution of yolk:


1.     Isolecithal (even distribution)

2.     Telolecithal (polarized distribution)


Based on the amount and distribution of yolk there are three cleavage patterns:


1.        Holoblastic (cleavage furrows through entire Zygote)

2.        Meroblastic (cleavage furrows through only   portion of the zygote)

3.        Discoidal (cleavage furrows restricted to                 

      the cap of the zygote)


Taxonomic Patterns of Blastulation


       Lancelets, Placental Mammals

                Microlecithal, Telolecithal, Holoblastic

        Primitive Fish, Amphibian

                Mesolecithal, Telolecithal, Holoblastic

        Elasmobranchs, Teleosts

                Macrolecithal, Telolecithal, Meroblastic

        Retiles, Birds, Monotremes

                Macrolecithal, Telolecithal, Discoidal

Vertebrate Gastrulation

Two patterns:


1.       Invagination

Lancelets, Anamniotes

2.       Delamination



Other Developmental events:


Amniotes are characterized by the possession of the Amnion during development, along with three other membranes…….These are known as the           Extraembryonic Membranes.


Each arises uniquely relative to the germ layers involved.


Derivation of the extraembryonic membranes:


Amnion…………….Ectoderm + Mesoderm

Chorion…………….Ectoderm + Mesoderm

Allantois……………Mesoderm + Endoderm

Yolk Sac……………Mesoderm + Endoderm


Neural Tube Formation


The vertebrate dorsal hollow nerve cord forms in the ectoderm, beginning with the neural groove which proceeds to form a neural tube.


As the neural tube closes dorsally, bilateral germ cells are formed and “pinch off”.  This mass of cells is known as the Neural Crest.  


Neural Crest cells later migrate to other parts of the body to form a variety of structures:


Dorsal Root ganglion Neurons   

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Ganglia

Chromaffin and Calcitonin Cells – Produce hormones

Schwann Cells

Parts of the Meninges

Branchial Cartilage Cells

Pigment Cells (except retina and CNS)


Facial Dermis


Sensory Capsules and parts of the Neurocranium

Cephalic Armor and Derivatives


Somites, Coelom Formation and Mesodermal Differentiation


Segmental masses of Mesoderm arise dorsally and laterally following gastrulation.  These masses are known as Somites.


As development proceeds, the somatic tissue expands and migrates.  This leads to coelom formation and differentiation into three distinctive regions:





              Sclerotome……………  Vertebral Column

              Myotome……………….Trunk musculature

              Dermatome……………  Contributes to Skin


       Mesomere…………………. Kidneys, Gonads



              Somatopleure………..Parietal Linings

              Splanchnopleure…….Visceral Linings


Vertebrate Birthing Summary


A.    Ovipary (Egg-laying)

B.     Vivipary (Live-bearing)

1.    Lecithotrophic

2.    Placentotrophic




Size and Shape


As animals increase in size, their morphological characters do not do so proportionally


Geometric similarity of animal’s support system does not (and cannot) pertain to the entire body size range.


Consider the following relationships:


       Surface Area (S)  ∞  l2


Surface area of an object increases in proportion to the square of its linear dimension


Volume  (V) ∞  l3


Volume of an object increases with the cube of its linear dimension.


For example:


In a sphere… Diameter increases 10 times

                      Surface area increases 100 times

                       Volume increases 1000 times


This has consequences…


   Consider an animal’s legs the shape of which is     

           likened to a column.

    A column’s strength is proportional to its x.s. area.


As an animal grows larger, legs must get larger faster than trunk to keep up with volume…hence heavier  limbs. 


Example: The Elephant, which is Graviportal



Here, large size is adaptive for a number of reasons:


1.      Free from predation

2.      Ability to traverse great distances

3.      Less food required per unit body weight

4.      Low surface to volume ratio…heat up, cool down more slowly


We often see a disproportionate change in size between body parts…this is known as Allometry


Surface to volume ratio has an effect on metabolic rate


Heat loss   ∞  Surface Area


Heat Capacity  ∞  Volume


So, animal size profoundly affects its metabolism.


As animals increase in size, other morphological aspects of surface area must attempt to keep up with the volume:


       Gut                                   Kidneys

        Teeth                                Cerebral Cortex




The Mechanics of Movement


     Force (F)  =  Ma (Mass X Acceleration)


Force is a vector quantity…possesses magnitude and direction


Bone-Muscle systems act as machines….A machine is a mechanism that transmits force from one place to another.  These forces can be illustrated in a simple bone-muscle system:


       Fi  =  in  force (applied to system)

       Fo  =  out force (against resistance)

       li   = in lever arm (power arm) or

                moment arm of pull

       lo  = out lever arm (load arm) or

                moment arm of resistance


These quantities can be expressed as a ratio…e.g. between   lo and li


                          _____    =  Velocity Ratio



The Velocity Ratio is a measure of how quickly a limb moves for any given unit of force.


Further, in a ratio expression between Fo and Fi,



                         ______      =  Mechanical Advantage



Mechanical Advantage is a measure of the efficiency of limb movement…doing more work for less energy output


Finally, the turning force can be calculated


                   Fi   X    li      =    in system Torque


                   Fo   X    lo      =  out system Torque


This is a measure of how strong the movement is…the power of the limb movement


The Mechanics of Body Support


As adaptations to counteract the effects of gravity, tetrapods have evolved a number of mechanisms.  Many show similarities to man-made devices of similar function.


The “Ungulate Support Mechanism


       Acts as a sling

       Allows balance of movement

       Relieves stress on musculature


Structural elements are subject to three types of stress:


1.   Compression

2.   Tension

3.   Shear


The response to stress is evident in bone, where areas of heavy stress are often reinforced with bone spicules = trabeculae



The gross morphology of bones is an expression of their response to stress




Vertebrates living in water are aquatic…..

·      All fishes are Primary  Swimmers …their

              ancestors swam

·      Other swimming vertebrates are Secondary

           Swimmers…their ancestors passed through               

           a  terrestrial stage


Advantages of swimmers over non-swimmers:


·       Gain access to a wide variety of aquatic foods

·       Escape terrestrial predators

·       Oceans and inland waterways are favorable

       avenues of dispersal


Organisms that swim in water have certain requirements:


1.     They must reduce resistance

2.     They must propel themselves through a dense medium

3.     They must maintain orientation….steer

4.    They must avoid harm from crushing pressures


The spindle-shaped body of most aquatic organisms is an adaptation to reduce Drag


Two types of Drag….


       Frictional Drag: Resistance produced by layers of water sliding past each other


       Pressure Drag: Force required to displace water---negative and positive pressures


Other adaptations to reduce drag and turbulence:


·      Loss of a functional neck

·      Reduction of projections from body

·      Reduction in limb segments


Fishes, being primary aquatic organisms, show a large number of swimming adaptations…


The Sailfish is the fastest fish, showing sustained speeds of up to 68 m.p.h.  It has a preponderance of red muscle and has special folds within which its dorsal fin fits to minimize turbulence and drag






Countercurrent Exchange


The passing of heat or diffusible materials between currents of gas or liquid passing one another in opposite directions.


This is the basis for a number of adaptations in vertebrates.


Energy Recycling


As a fish bends along its longitudinal axis during swimming the convex side stretches, and its elasticity contributes to the power stroke as it bends in the opposite direction.








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