About HTML

1.The bare bones of html:

< html >
< head >< title >......< /title >< /head > >< body >--------< /body >
< /html >


< br >"line break": to start a new line.
< P >"paragraph": to leave a line of white space before it begins the next section.
< hr >"hard return"": to put a hairline separator in-between the two sections.
< dd >"dictionary definition": to indent a definition or to create a tab.
< center >something< /center >: to center something on your page.
< b >something< /b >: to bold something.
< i >something< /i >: to italicize something.
< a href="url" >something< /a >: to create a clickable link.
< img src="name" >: to insert an image into a web page.
< font >< /font >: to changethe text attributes,
ex. < font size="+3 color="#00ff00" >something < /font >: to increase something and to make something green.
< body bgcolor="ffffff" >< /body >: to change the background color.
< body text="ffffff" >< /body >: to change the text color
< body link="ffffff" >< /body >: to change the link color
< body vlink="ffffff" >< /body >: to change the link color after a page has been visited at least once.
< li >The university Wisconsin
< li >Harvard University
< li >The university of Michigan
will produce
  • The university Wisconsin
  • Harvard University
  • The university of Michigan
    < ol >
    < li >The university Wisconsin
    < li >Harvard University
    < li >The university of Michigan
    < /ol > will produce
    1. The university Wisconsin
    2. Harvard University
    3. The university of Michigan
    < ol start=2 > will produce 2. The university of Wisconsin
    < ol type=I(i,A,or a) > will produce the other types of ordered lists.

    < ul >
    < li >The university Wisconsin
    < li >Harvard University
    < li >The university of Michigan
    < /ul > will produce
    • The university Wisconsin
    • Harvard University
    • The university of Michigan
    < ul type=square(disc or circle) > will produce the other types of unordered lists.

    4.Extra Resources

    Introduction to HTML
    Frames Tutor
    Frames in HTML Documents
    The Table Element
    CGI made Really Easy
    The CGI Resource Index
    Voodoo's Intro to JavaScript
    The JavaScript Resource

    5.List of Color Codes

    Decimal Code Char Description Entity Notes PostScript Name

    ISO-8859-1 Characters (Supplementary Characters in bottom section)
    &#00; - &#08;Unused
    &#09; Horizontal tab  
    &#10; Line feed  
    &#11; - &#12;Unused
    &#13; Carriage Return  
    &#14; - &#31;Unused
    &#32; Space
    &#33;!Exclamation mark  exclam
    &#34;"Quotation mark&quot; quotedbl
    &#35;#Number sign  numbersign
    &#36;$Dollar sign  dollar
    &#37;%Percent sign  percent
    &#38;&Ampersand&amp; ampersand
    &#39;'Apostrophe  quotesingle
    &#40;(Left parenthesis  parenleft
    &#41;)Right parenthesis  parenright
    &#42;*Asterisk  asterisk
    &#43;+Plus sign  plus
    &#44;,Comma  comma
    &#45;-Hyphen  hyphen
    &#46;.Period (fullstop)  period
    &#47;/Solidus  slash
    &#48; - &#57;0 - 9Decimal digits
    &#58;:Colon  colon
    &#59;;Semi-colon  semicolon
    &#60;<Less than&lt; less
    &#61;=Equals sign  equal
    &#62;>Greater than&gt; greater
    &#63;?Question mark  question
    &#64;@Commercial at  at
    &#65; - &#90;A - ZUppercase letters
    &#91;[Left square bracket  bracketleft
    &#92;\Reverse solidus  backslash
    &#93;]Right square bracket  bracketright
    &#94;^Caret  asciicircum
    &#95;_Horizontal bar  underscore
    &#96;`Grave accent  grave
    &#97; - &#122;a - zLowercase letters
    &#123;{Left curly brace  braceleft
    &#124;|Vertical bar  bar
    &#125;}Right curly brace  braceright
    &#126;~Tilde  asciitilde
    &#127; - &#159;Unused (truly!)
    &#160; Nonbreaking space&nbsp; nbspace
    &#192;ÀCapital A, grave accent&Agrave; Agrave
    &#224;àSmall a, grave accent&agrave; agrave
    &#193;ÁCapital A, acute accent&Aacute; Aacute
    &#225;áSmall a, acute accent&aacute; aacute
    &#194;ÂCapital A, circumflex accent&Acirc; Acircumflex
    &#226;âSmall a, circumflex accent&acirc; acircumflex
    &#195;ÃCapital A, tilde&Atilde; Atilde
    &#227;ãSmall a, tilde&atilde; atilde
    &#196;ÄCapital A, dieresis or umlaut mark&Auml; Adieresis
    &#228;äSmall a, dieresis or umlaut mark&auml; adieresis
    &#197;ÅCapital A, ring&Aring; Aring
    &#229;åSmall a, ring&aring; aring
    &#198;ÆCapital AE dipthong (ligature)&AElig; AE
    &#230;æSmall ae dipthong (ligature)&aelig; ae
    &#199;ÇCapital C, cedilla&Ccedil; Ccedilla
    &#231;çSmall c, cedilla&ccedil; ccedilla
    &#208;[GIF]Capital Eth, Icelandic&ETH;c1Eth
    &#240;[GIF]Small eth, Icelandic&eth;c1eth
    &#200;ÈCapital E, grave accent&Egrave; Egrave
    &#232;èSmall e, grave accent&egrave; egrave
    &#201;ÉCapital E, acute accent&Eacute; Eacute
    &#233;éSmall e, acute accent&eacute; eacute
    &#202;ÊCapital E, circumflex accent&Ecirc; Ecircumflex
    &#234;êSmall e, circumflex accent&ecirc; ecircumflex
    &#203;ËCapital E, dieresis or umlaut mark&Euml; Edieresis
    &#235;ëSmall e, dieresis or umlaut mark&euml; edieresis
    &#204;ÌCapital I, grave accent&Igrave; Igrave
    &#236;ìSmall i, grave accent&igrave; igrave
    &#205;ÍCapital I, acute accent&Iacute; Iacute
    &#237;íSmall i, acute accent&iacute iacute
    &#206;ÎCapital I, circumflex accent&Icirc; Icircumflex
    &#238;îSmall i, circumflex accent&icirc; icircumflex
    &#207;ÏCapital I, dieresis or umlaut mark&Iuml; Idieresis
    &#239;ïSmall i, dieresis or umlaut mark&iuml; idieresis
    &#181;µMicro sign&micro; mu
    &#209;ÑCapital N, tilde&Ntilde; Ntilde
    &#241;ñSmall n, tilde&ntilde; ntilde
    &#210;ÒCapital O, grave accent&Ograve; Ograve
    &#242;òSmall o, grave accent&ograve; ograve
    &#211;ÓCapital O, acute accent&Oacute; Oacute
    &#243;óSmall o, acute accent&oacute; oacute
    &#212;ÔCapital O, circumflex accent&Ocirc; Ocircumflex
    &#244;ôSmall o, circumflex accent&ocirc; ocircumflex
    &#213;ÕCapital O, tilde&Otilde; Otilde
    &#245;õSmall o, tilde&otilde; otilde
    &#214;ÖCapital O, dieresis or umlaut mark&Ouml; Odieresis
    &#246;öSmall o, dieresis or umlaut mark&ouml; odieresis
    &#216;ØCapital O, slash&Oslash; Oslash
    &#248;øSmall o, slash&oslash; oslash
    &#223;ßSmall sharp s, German (sz ligature)&szlig; germandbls
    &#222;[GIF]Capital THORN, Icelandic&THORN;c1Thorn
    &#254;[GIF]Small thorn, Icelandic&thorn;c1thorn
    &#217;ÙCapital U, grave accent&Ugrave; Ugrave
    &#249;ùSmall u, grave accent&ugrave; ugrave
    &#218;ÚCapital U, acute accent&Uacute; Uacute
    &#250;úSmall u, acute accent&uacute; uacute
    &#219;ÛCapital U, circumflex accent&Ucirc; Ucircumflex
    &#251;ûSmall u, circumflex accent&ucirc; ucircumflex
    &#220;ÜCapital U, dieresis or umlaut mark&Uuml; Udieresis
    &#252;üSmall u, dieresis or umlaut mark&uuml; udieresis
    &#221;[GIF]Capital Y, acute accent&Yacute;c1Yacute
    &#253;[GIF]Small y, acute accent&yacute;c1yacute
    &#255;ÿSmall y, dieresis or umlaut mark&yuml; ydieresis
    &#168;¨Umlaut&uml; dieresis
    &#175;¯Macron accent&macr; macron
    &#180;´Acute accent&acute; acute
    &#184;¸Cedilla&cedil; cedilla
    &#161;¡Inverted exclamation&iexcl; exclamdown
    &#191;¿Inverted question mark&iquest; questiondown
    &#183;·Middle dot&middot; periodcentered
    &#166;[GIF]Broken vertical bar&brvbar;c1brokenbar
    &#171;«Left angle quote&laquo; guillemotleft
    &#187;»Right angle quote&raquo; guillemotright
    &#182;Paragraph sign&para; paragraph
    &#167;§Section sign&sect; section
    &#169;©Copyright&copy; copyright
    &#174;®Registered trademark&reg; registered
    &#185;[GIF]Superscript one&sup1;c1onesuperior
    &#178;[GIF]Superscript two&sup2;c1twosuperior
    &#179;[GIF]Superscript three&sup3;c1threesuperior
    &#173;­Soft hyphen&shy;e1minus(?)
    &#215;[GIF]Multiply sign&times;c1multiply
    &#247;÷Division sign&divide; divide
    &#188;[GIF]Fraction one-fourth&frac14;c1onequarter
    &#189;[GIF]Fraction one-half&frac12;c1onehalf
    &#190;[GIF]Fraction three-fourths&frac34;c1threequarters
    &#170;ªFeminine ordinal&ordf; ordfeminine
    &#186;ºMasculine ordinal&ordm; ordmasculine
    &#172;¬Not sign&not; logicalnot
    &#176;°Degree sign&deg; degree
    &#177;±Plus or minus&plusmn; plusminus
    &#164;¤General currency sign&curren; currency
    &#162;¢Cent sign&cent; cent
    &#163;£Pound sterling&pound; sterling
    &#165;¥Yen sign&yen; yen

    Supplementary Characters (Unicode UCS-2 is "charset=UNICODE-1-1")
    &#338;[GIF]OE ligature&OElig;e0OE
    &#339;[GIF]oe ligature&oelig;e0oe
    &#305;[GIF]dotless i&inodot;e0dotlessi
    &#729;[GIF]dot accent&dot;e0dotaccent
    &#733;[GIF]double acute accent&dblac;e0hungarumlaut
    &#8211;[GIF]en dash&ndash;e1endash
    &#8212;[GIF]em dash&mdash;e1emdash
    &#8225;[GIF]double dagger&Dagger;e0daggerdbl
    &#8216;[GIF]quote left&lsquo;e0quoteleft
    &#8217;[GIF]quote right&rsquo;e0quoteright
    &#8218;[GIF]quote single base&lsquor;e0quotesinglbase
    &#8220;[GIF]quote double left&ldquo;e0quotedblleft
    &#8221;[GIF]quote double right&rdquo;e0quotedblright
    &#8222;[GIF]quote double base&ldquor;e0quotedblbase
    &#8249;[GIF]guille single left&lsaquo;e?guilsinglleft
    &#8250;[GIF]guille single right&rsaquo;e?guilsinglright
    &#8482;[GIF]trademark, TM&trade;e1trademark
    &#8480;[GIF]service mark, SM   
    &#8471;[GIF]sound recording copyright, (P)   
    &#8706;[GIF]partial differential&part;e0partialdiff
    &#8773;[GIF]approximately equal&ap;e0approxequal
    &#8800;[GIF]not equal&ne;e0notequal
    &#8804;[GIF]less than or equal&le;e0lessequal
    &#8805;[GIF]greater than or equal&ge;e0greaterequal
    &#8240;[GIF]per thousand (mille)&permil;e0perthousand
    &#8260;[GIF]fraction separator  fraction
    &#_____; product  product
    &#_____; pi&pi;e0pi
    &#_____; lozenge (diamond)  lozenge
    &#_____; franc  franc
    &#_____; apple  apple
    &#8984;[GIF]command key   
    &#8997;[GIF]option key   
    &#9774;[GIF]peace symbol   
    &#9775;[GIF]yin yang   
    After changing html
    1.go to cmdtool
    2.change directories:
    >cd public
    >cd html
    chmod 644 *.*
    (to check chmod------ >ls -l
    for public and html in the first time >chmod 711 public)
    3.wheneve you change your html, do the > chmod 644 *.*

    Change a tex file to pdf file
    1. make the dvi file from the tex file (eg : 7_1.dvi)
    2. run dvipdf 7_1.dvi
    3. do chmod 644 *.*

    < PRE > and < /PRE >
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